LP Interview Scheduler

Hi! I’m ​
an avid reader.
a travel enthusiast. 4th year @ the University of British Columbia
Hello there, welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm Emily,
a software engineer during the day and running / bouldering / badminton enthusiast all the time! Currently, I'm based in
the Bay Area in California, working as a software engineer on the Developer Publications team at Apple Inc.
In September, I will be back in Vancouver, Canada, studying
Honours Computer Science and a
Master of Management @ UBC.
I'm interested in leveraging technology to bridge the world's
inequalities, particularly in the areas of biotech and healthcare.
Outside of work, I am an avid reader, runner,
and am always down to go hiking or rock climbing (even though I'm a complete rookie)!
Feel free to download my resume, poke around
my GitHub, contact me for a chat at
emilylynnchen@gmail.com, or connect on
LinkedIn. Always looking to make new friends
and meet new people!
Current Software Engineer Intern
Apple: -
Software Developer Intern - Snap Labs Team
Snap: -
Software Engineer Intern - Developer Publications Backend & Infra team
Apple: -
Software Engineer Intern - Garage
Microsoft: -
Software Engineer Intern - Group Membership Management
Microsoft: -
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
University of British Columbia: -
Department of Computer Science: TA for CPSC 210 (Sep 2021 to Dec 2021) and CPSC 110 (Sep 2020 to Apr 2021).
Research Assistant
University of British Columbia: -
Volunteer Scratch and Web Development Instructor
The C.O.D.E. Initiative - -
The C.O.D.E. Initiative is an organization that specializes in offering educational opportunities in computer science for children with learning differences.
LP Interview Scheduler
Common Grounds
Safe Travels
University of British Columbia
Bachelor of Science + Master of Management: -
UBC CMD-F 2020 Hackathon Submission
Named after a flower that flourishes with just a little extra care and attention, Dianthus is a web application
geared towards the caretakers of kids with special needs. Dianthus allows parents and teachers/caregivers
to create accounts, through which they can create and manage student profiles. Each student profile includes
a child's tendencies, needs, abilities, triggers, and other relevant information
that the child may not be able to tell an adult verbally. This information includes
a historical logbook where parents and caregivers can record the child’s progress,
milestones or any incidents. The application also allows for messaging between parents
and teachers, allowing for instant communication.
A collection of code to process, tile, and overlay histo-images. Image processing
and tiling are done through the Python code, which users access via the Docopt
command line interface, and settings can be loaded from the config.yaml file.
Images are then displayed using the Leaflet JavaScript Library.
The saturation, contrast, brightness, and hue of each layer can be manually adjusted via sliders.
Still curious? View an in-depth video demo of the project.
View a video walkthrough of the project here.
This program is ideal for individuals or groups of friends/colleagues/acquaintances to help keep track of who owes money to whom.
Users can:
Hack the North 2021 Hackathon Submission
Assistive live-camera tech for the visually impaired that utilizes computer
vision to enhance users' perceptions of their surroundings with real-time
audio descriptions – all fully voice controlled.
A project to control and monitor the PT410 CryoFridge that's keeping
the 7T MRI Magnet cool and running. Allows the user to configure the duration
of ontime and offtime for each on/off cycle, switch on or off immediately,
and delay the start of an on/off cycle by a user-specified duration of time.
Logs button press events (i.e. when a switch is manually flipped) to a
logfile that is named after the current date.
TO Hacks 2021 Hackathon Submission
Robots Are Not Taking our jobs bro - Interview prompts generated from user-inputted files by Open AI's GPT-3.
Safe Travels
nwHacks 2021 Hackathon Submission
safeTravels is a dynamic website that scrapes the web for data on anti-discrimination legisilation,
marrige and civil partnership status, transgender rights, religious influence, prosecution, murders
and more.
These factors are then scaled and incorporated into a colour legend from -1 to 1. This data is then
stored in MongoDB, and the MapBox API reads the data and updates its display on the website.
UBC Launchpad - Custom Interview Scheduler
Common Grounds
Stanford TreeHacks 2021 Hackathon Submission
A video-calling platform that uses OpenAI's GPT-3 language
prediction model to generate prompts designed to spark conversation
and form connections between people with differing opinions.